Casinò Online Stranieri - Recensioni e Valutazioni

Casinò Online Stranieri – Recensioni e Valutazioni

Guida Completa ai Casinò Online Stranieri

Mi rivolgo a voi con l’intento di condividere una panoramica esaustiva ed accurata riguardante il crescente interesse che noi italiani manifestiamo verso i casinò online stranieri. In un’epoca in cui il gioco online ha assunto un ruolo preponderante nel settore dell’intrattenimento digitale, è divenuto fondamentale orientarsi verso piattaforme che offrano non solo un’ampia varietà di giochi, ma che garantiscano anche sicurezza e affidabilità.

Lo scopo principale di questo articolo è quindi quello di fornire un elenco dettagliato e scrupolosamente selezionato dei migliori casinò online stranieri, che si distinguono per la loro capacità di offrire un’esperienza di gioco sicura, affidabile e in linea con le aspettative dei giocatori italiani. La mia analisi si basa su una serie di criteri rigorosi, inclusi la licenza di gioco, la sicurezza dei dati, la qualità dei giochi offerti, le opzioni di pagamento, e naturalmente, l’esperienza complessiva dell’utente. La mia missione è quella di guidarvi verso scelte consapevoli e soddisfacenti nel vasto mondo dei casinò online.

Top 5 Migliori Casino Online Stranieri in Italia

Passando al cuore dell’articolo, è con entusiasmo che presento la lista dei 21 migliori casino online stranieri che accettano italiani attualmente disponibili in Italia, frutto di una meticolosa ricerca e valutazione. Questi casinò sono stati selezionati sulla base di criteri rigorosi che includono la sicurezza, l’offerta di giochi, i bonus, e la qualità del servizio clienti. Ecco una descrizione dettagliata dei primi cinque casinò che si sono distinti per eccellenza.

  1. Wild Tokyo: Questo casinò si impone come il migliore tra i nuovi casinò stranieri. Wild Tokyo offre un’esperienza di gioco avvincente, con un’ampia scelta di giochi e un’interfaccia utente intuitiva. Il loro bonus di benvenuto è particolarmente generoso, proponendo un vantaggioso 210% sul primo deposito fino a un massimo di 500€, un incentivo notevole per i nuovi giocatori.
  2. PlayOro: Rappresenta una novità nel panorama dei casinò online stranieri. La sua peculiarità risiede nel bonus offerto su ogni deposito, una caratteristica unica che permette ai giocatori di massimizzare le proprie opportunità di gioco. PlayOro si distingue anche per la sua vasta libreria di giochi e per l’attenzione costante verso i bisogni dei suoi utenti.
  3. Gratowin: È il casinò ideale per chi è alla ricerca di un bonus senza deposito. Offrendo 50 giri gratis immediatamente dopo la registrazione e un ulteriore bonus del 100% fino a 3000€, Gratowin si posiziona come una delle migliori opzioni per coloro che desiderano esplorare il mondo dei casinò online senza un investimento iniziale.
  4. Rolling Slot: Questo casinò offre un mix interessante di bonus, tra cui un allettante 200% sul primo deposito e 100 giri gratuiti per le slot. La sua proposta ludica è ricca e diversificata, rivolgendosi a un pubblico ampio e variegato. Inoltre, Rolling Slot ha un club fedeltà esclusivo, che premia i giocatori più attivi e costanti.
  5. Winspark: Con il suo bonus del 100% sul primo deposito, Winspark si afferma come una scelta solida per i giocatori che cercano un casinò straniero affidabile e vantaggioso. La piattaforma è notevole per la rapidità delle transazioni e per l’ampia offerta di giochi, che soddisfa sia i neofiti che i giocatori più esperti.

Cosa Significa Casino Stranieri o Esteri

Nell’ambito del gioco d’azzardo online, il termine “Casinò Stranieri o Esteri” si riferisce a quelle piattaforme di gioco che, pur operando in maniera legale, sono regolate da legislazioni estere e non da quelle italiane. La distinzione tra casinò italiani e stranieri è principalmente basata sulle normative e le licenze sotto cui operano.

Differenze tra i casinò italiani e stranieri:

  • Legislazione e Regolamentazione: I casinò italiani sono soggetti alle normative imposte dall’Agenzia delle Dogane e dei Monopoli (ADM), precedentemente conosciuta come AAMS. Questo implica una serie di restrizioni e regole specifiche. Invece, i casinò stranieri operano sotto altre giurisdizioni, come quelle di Malta, Curacao o Gibilterra, che hanno regolamenti differenti.
  • Offerta di Giochi: I casinò stranieri tendono ad avere una gamma più vasta di giochi, inclusi titoli e varianti che potrebbero non essere disponibili sui siti italiani. Questo è dovuto alle diverse politiche di licenza e collaborazioni con sviluppatori di giochi internazionali.
  • Bonus e Promozioni: Spesso, i casinò stranieri offrono bonus più generosi o promozioni diverse rispetto a quelli italiani. Questo perché sono in grado di operare sotto regimi fiscali e regolamentari differenti, che talvolta permettono maggiori libertà in termini di incentivi ai giocatori.

Vantaggi dei casinò stranieri per i giocatori italiani:

  • Maggiore Varietà di Giochi: Come già accennato, i casinò stranieri offrono spesso un assortimento più ampio di giochi, che possono includere le ultime novità nel settore delle slot, giochi da tavolo, casinò dal vivo e altro ancora.
  • Bonus più Allettanti: I bonus di benvenuto, i giri gratuiti, i bonus senza deposito e altre promozioni tendono ad essere più vantaggiosi nei casinò stranieri, attirando così un numero maggiore di giocatori.
  • Esperienze di Gioco Innovative: Molti casinò stranieri sono all’avanguardia nell’implementazione di nuove tecnologie, come la realtà virtuale, offrendo esperienze di gioco immersive e innovative.
  • Flessibilità nei Metodi di Pagamento: I casinò stranieri spesso accettano una più ampia varietà di metodi di pagamento, inclusi quelli in criptovaluta, offrendo maggiore flessibilità ai giocatori.

Criteri di Selezione per i Migliori Casino Stranieri

La scelta dei migliori casinò stranieri richiede un’analisi attenta e metodica di vari aspetti fondamentali che garantiscono la qualità e la sicurezza dell’esperienza di gioco. Ecco i criteri principali che ho considerato nella mia valutazione e selezione dei casinò:

  1. Licenze e Autorizzazioni: Un aspetto cruciale nella scelta di un casinò online straniero è la presenza di licenze rilasciate da enti di regolamentazione affidabili. Ho verificato che ogni casinò nella mia lista possieda licenze valide, rilasciate da organismi rinomati come Curaçao eGaming, Malta Gaming Authority, UK Gambling Commission, ecc. Questi enti assicurano che i casinò operino in conformità con le normative internazionali e offrano un ambiente di gioco equo e trasparente.
  2. Standard di Sicurezza e Protezione dei Dati: La sicurezza dei dati personali e finanziari è fondamentale. Ho quindi selezionato casinò che impiegano tecnologie avanzate di crittografia dei dati, come SSL (Secure Socket Layer), per garantire la protezione delle informazioni sensibili dei giocatori.
  3. Feedback e Opinioni dei Giocatori: Le recensioni e i feedback dei giocatori sono stati un elemento chiave nella mia analisi. Ho considerato le esperienze degli utenti per valutare la qualità del servizio, l’affidabilità e la soddisfazione generale dei clienti.
  4. Modalità di Deposito e Prelievo: È importante che i casinò offrano una varietà di opzioni per depositi e prelievi, inclusi metodi tradizionali e moderni come carte di credito, e-wallet, bonifici bancari e criptovalute. Ho anche valutato la velocità delle transazioni e l’eventuale presenza di commissioni.
  5. Supporto ai Clienti: Un servizio di assistenza clienti efficiente e reattivo è essenziale. I casinò selezionati offrono supporto tramite vari canali, come chat dal vivo, email e telefono, garantendo assistenza tempestiva e di qualità.
  6. Fair Play e Uso di RNG: I casinò devono garantire un gioco equo. Ho quindi verificato che utilizzino un Generatore di Numeri Casuali (RNG) per assicurare l’imparzialità dei risultati di gioco e che siano sottoposti a verifiche regolari da parte di enti indipendenti.
  7. Attenzione al Gioco Responsabile: I casinò devono promuovere il gioco responsabile offrendo strumenti di autoesclusione, limiti di deposito e informazioni sulle dipendenze da gioco. Questo dimostra il loro impegno nel proteggere i giocatori da comportamenti di gioco problematici.
  8. Tipologie di Bonus Offerti: Infine, ho esaminato le varie tipologie di bonus e promozioni offerte, valutando la loro generosità, le condizioni di scommessa e la facilità nel riscuoterle.

Analisi Dettagliata dei Migliori Casinò Online Stranieri

L’analisi dettagliata dei migliori casinò online stranieri svela le caratteristiche peculiari che li rendono scelte eccellenti per i giocatori italiani. Ecco un esame approfondito dei cinque principali casinò:

  1. Wild Tokyo: Innovazione e bonus di benvenuto
    • Innovazione: Wild Tokyo si distingue per la sua piattaforma all’avanguardia, offrendo un’interfaccia utente intuitiva e un’esperienza di gioco fluida. La loro tecnologia avanzata garantisce un ambiente di gioco sicuro e un’esperienza immersiva.
    • Bonus di Benvenuto: Il loro generoso bonus di benvenuto è particolarmente attraente per i nuovi giocatori. Offrono un match bonus del 210% sul primo deposito fino a un massimo di 500€, una proposta vantaggiosa che aumenta significativamente le possibilità di gioco dei nuovi utenti.
  2. PlayOro: Esperienza di gioco e promozioni esclusive
    • Esperienza di Gioco: PlayOro offre una vasta gamma di giochi, inclusi slot, giochi da tavolo e casinò dal vivo, garantendo un’esperienza varia e completa. La qualità grafica e la fluidità del gioco sono elementi chiave della loro offerta.
    • Promozioni Esclusive: Il casinò si distingue per le sue promozioni regolari e esclusive, inclusi bonus su ogni deposito, che permettono ai giocatori di massimizzare i loro fondi e godere di maggiori opportunità di gioco.
  3. Gratowin: Offerta di giri gratis e diversità di giochi
    • Giri Gratis: Gratowin attira l’attenzione con la sua offerta di 50 giri gratis alla registrazione, senza necessità di deposito. Questa è una grande opportunità per i giocatori di provare i giochi senza alcun rischio iniziale.
    • Diversità di Giochi: Il casinò offre una vasta selezione di giochi, inclusi titoli unici e meno conosciuti, garantendo così un’esperienza di gioco fresca e diversificata rispetto ad altri casinò online.
  4. Rolling Slot: Bonus innovativi e loyalty club
    • Bonus Innovativi: Rolling Slot offre un intrigante bonus del 200% sul primo deposito e 100 giri gratuiti alle slot, una proposta che dimostra il loro impegno nell’offrire valore ai giocatori.
    • Loyalty Club: Un altro punto di forza di Rolling Slot è il suo club fedeltà, che premia i giocatori regolari con bonus e promozioni esclusivi, incentivando la fedeltà e l’engagement degli utenti.
  5. Winspark: Affidabilità, rapidità nelle transazioni e accessibilità
    • Affidabilità: Winspark si è guadagnato una reputazione per la sua affidabilità, con una licenza solida e una politica di gioco responsabile chiara.
    • Rapidità nelle Transazioni: Le transazioni, sia depositi che prelievi, sono veloci e senza intoppi, riducendo i tempi di attesa per i giocatori.
    • Accessibilità: Con un deposito minimo di soli 5 euro, Winspark è accessibile a un’ampia gamma di giocatori, rendendolo un’opzione ideale per coloro che vogliono esplorare il mondo dei casinò online senza un grande investimento iniziale.

Tabella per Casinò Online Stranieri

CaratteristicaWild TokyoPlayOroGratowinRolling SlotWinspark
Bonus di Benvenuto210% fino a 500€100% su ogni deposito50 Giri Gratis + 100% fino a 3000€200% e 100 giri alle slot100% sul Primo Deposito
LicenzaCuraçao eGamingMalta Gaming AuthorityCuraçao eGamingMalta Gaming AuthorityCuraçao eGaming
Varietà di GiochiAltaMolto AltaMediaAltaMedia
Metodi di PagamentoCarte, E-Wallet, CryptoCarte, E-Wallet, BonificoCarte, E-Wallet, PostePayCarte, E-Wallet, CryptoCarte, E-Wallet, PostePay
Supporto Clienti24/7 Chat Live, Email24/7 Chat Live, Email, TelefonoEmail, Telefono24/7 Chat Live, EmailChat Live, Email
Gioco Mobile
Giochi LiveNoNo
VIP o Club FedeltàNoNo
Lingua Italiana
Valutazione Complessiva4.5/54.7/54.2/54.6/54.3/5

Metodi di Pagamento nei Casino Online Stranieri

Nei casinò online stranieri, la varietà e la flessibilità dei metodi di pagamento rappresentano un aspetto cruciale che influisce notevolmente sull’esperienza di gioco dei giocatori. Esaminiamo la guida e la recensione i principali metodi di pagamento disponibili e confrontiamoli con quelli offerti dai casinò italiani:

  1. Bonifico Bancario
    • Descrizione: Tradizionale e affidabile, il bonifico bancario è ampiamente accettato nei casinò online stranieri. Consente trasferimenti diretti dal proprio conto bancario al casinò.
    • Confronto: Anche nei casinò italiani, il bonifico è una scelta comune, tuttavia, può essere più lento rispetto ad altri metodi e talvolta comportare commissioni.
  2. Criptovalute (Crypto)
    • Descrizione: La possibilità di utilizzare criptovalute come Bitcoin, Ethereum, e altre è una tendenza in crescita nei casinò stranieri. Offre anonimato, sicurezza elevata e transazioni rapide.
    • Confronto: I casinò italiani sono generalmente più cauti nell’adottare criptovalute a causa delle stringenti regolamentazioni finanziarie nazionali.
  3. PostePay
    • Descrizione: PostePay, una carta prepagata popolare in Italia, è accettata da molti casinò online stranieri. È conveniente, facile da ricaricare e offre una gestione controllata delle spese.
    • Confronto: È uno dei metodi più diffusi nei casinò italiani, apprezzato per la sua accessibilità e facilità d’uso.
  4. Carte di Credito/Debito
    • Descrizione: Le carte Visa, Mastercard, e altre carte di credito o debito sono universalmente accettate nei casinò online stranieri. Sono un metodo rapido e sicuro per depositi e prelievi.
    • Confronto: Anche nei casinò italiani, le carte di credito/debito sono molto utilizzate per la loro comodità e immediatezza nelle transazioni.
  5. E-Wallets (Skrill, PayPal, Neteller)
    • Descrizione: Gli e-wallet come Skrill, PayPal e Neteller offrono transazioni rapide, sicurezza dei dati e facile accesso ai fondi. Sono ampiamente usati nei casinò stranieri.
    • Confronto: Nei casinò italiani, questi metodi sono anch’essi popolari, soprattutto per la loro velocità e l’efficienza nel gestire transazioni online.
  6. PaySafeCard
    • Descrizione: PaySafeCard è una carta prepagata che offre un modo sicuro e anonimo per depositare fondi, senza la necessità di un conto bancario o di una carta di credito.
    • Confronto: Questo metodo è utilizzato sia nei casinò stranieri che in quelli italiani, particolarmente apprezzato dai giocatori che preferiscono non utilizzare metodi bancari.


In conclusione, attraverso questo articolo, abbiamo esplorato in modo approfondito il mondo dei casinò online stranieri, evidenziando quelli che si distinguono per qualità, sicurezza e affidabilità, particolarmente adatti ai giocatori italiani. Abbiamo analizzato i criteri cruciali per la selezione di un casinò affidabile, tra cui la presenza di licenze riconosciute, standard di sicurezza elevati, feedback positivi da parte dei giocatori, varietà nelle modalità di deposito e prelievo, un eccellente supporto ai clienti, l’impegno verso il fair play e il gioco responsabile, nonché le tipologie di bonus offerte.

Invito ai lettori a esplorare i casinò stranieri consigliati

Abbiamo anche messo in evidenza le specifiche caratteristiche di cinque dei migliori casinò stranieri: Wild Tokyo, PlayOro, Gratowin, Rolling Slot e Winspark, ognuno con le sue unicità e vantaggi, come bonus generosi, vasta gamma di giochi, innovazioni tecnologiche, programmi fedeltà e operazioni bancarie efficienti.

Inoltre, abbiamo discusso le diverse opzioni di pagamento disponibili, confrontandole con quelle offerte dai casinò italiani, evidenziando una maggiore varietà e flessibilità nei casinò stranieri, soprattutto per quanto riguarda l’uso delle criptovalute e dei diversi e-wallet.

(FAQ) sui Casinò Online Stranieri – Recensioni e Valutazioni

Cosa sono i casinò online stranieri?

I casinò online stranieri sono piattaforme di gioco online che operano sotto licenze estere, diverse da quelle italiane. Sono accessibili ai giocatori italiani e offrono una varietà di giochi d’azzardo e scommesse.

I casinò online stranieri sono legali in Italia?

Sì, molti casinò online stranieri sono legali in Italia purché possiedano le licenze appropriate rilasciate da enti regolatori riconosciuti a livello internazionale.

Quali sono i vantaggi dei casinò stranieri rispetto a quelli italiani?

I casinò stranieri spesso offrono una maggiore varietà di giochi, bonus più generosi, e metodi di pagamento più flessibili, come le criptovalute.

Come posso sapere se un casinò online straniero è sicuro?

Verifica che il casinò abbia licenze valide da enti regolatori rispettati (come Malta Gaming Authority o Curaçao eGaming), leggi le recensioni degli utenti e controlla la presenza di tecnologie di sicurezza come la crittografia SSL.

Posso utilizzare PostePay nei casinò online stranieri?

Sì, molti casinò online stranieri accettano PostePay insieme ad altri metodi di pagamento comuni.

I casinò stranieri offrono bonus ai giocatori italiani?

Sì, molti casinò stranieri offrono bonus di benvenuto, giri gratuiti, bonus senza deposito e altre promozioni ai giocatori italiani.

È possibile giocare con criptovalute nei casinò online stranieri?

Sì, diversi casinò online stranieri offrono la possibilità di depositare e ritirare fondi utilizzando criptovalute come Bitcoin, Ethereum, ecc.

Well Of Wonders

Well of Wonders slot machine review by Thunderkick

Swedish developers gambling software Thunderkick, in March 2017 released a bitcoin slot Well Of Wonders, the theme of which was magic, fairy tales and magic.

Its uniqueness lies in its unusual characteristics and rules, which are fundamentally different from most slot machines of the modern generation. Also, if you are attracted to the theme of an enchanted forest, magical runes and magical artifacts in the form of colored stones, Well Of Wonders will definitely have to taste.

Well of Wonders Features

One of the main differences of this machine is the unusual structure of the field: there is no usual gamblers reels and rows. No strict layout of the sections and fields, the characters are placed chaotically across the screen. In addition, the slot is completely absent fixed paylines, as combinations are counted by the number of identical symbols falling out.

Spin rate ranges from 0.10 to 100.00 units of money. The whole range is divided into 14 steps (9 variants of the denomination to 10.00 and 5 variants from 10.00 to 100.00). This set of bets is considered standard for all machines from the company Thunderkick.

The goal, despite the changed characteristics, remains the same. You need to make as many combinations as possible. That is, the symbols are involved in them, regardless of the sequence in which they have fallen out. The smallest prize chain consists of 3x the same elements. Only the highest combination within one chain is paid. For example, if there are 5 identical stones on the field, the payment for 3 and 4 stones is not provided.

The percentage of theoretical payout declared by the manufacturer is 96.1%. The maximum winnings are 228,000 coins.

Well of Wonders Appearance

In order for the external shell video slot corresponded to the declared subject matter, the developers of the company Thunderkick had to try very hard over graphics, sound effects and animations. After all, they had to fill it with a lot of details that would create the atmosphere of a fairy-tale forest full of magic and enchantment. Did they succeed? Let’s find out.

Let’s start with the graphic component. The background is made in the form of an enchanted forest, which is the player will be opening this slot. Mighty trees, trunks covered with moss, go far beyond the field, green grass, flowers and small mushrooms. All these small and large details perfectly immersed in the atmosphere of a fairy tale forest. In the center is the main character, stated in the title – the magic well. All in gray stone, with magical runes painted all around the rim.

The style of drawing, of course, cartoon, which immediately leads the user to the association c cartoons and fairy tales. Of the magic well, by the way, and will appear elements in the form of bizarre colored stones. All figures are three-dimensional and three-dimensional, which is not often seen in the machines. Typically, most providers have in their arsenal of 2D video slots, on their background, Well Of Wonders looks more successful.

Control Panel has not undergone any changes. Classic design, typical of products from Thunderkick forwarded to this video slot. All buttons are located in the same familiar places, and in their purpose is not difficult to understand even on an intuitive level.

Animation effects in Well Of Wonders enough. Volumetric stones of different colors rotate around their axis, gently gleaming. A magical stream of energy flows from the well in bright blue, and in the background, you can see chaotically flying fireflies and the subtle shimmer of sunlight. All these effects work for the overall atmosphere, perfectly complementing it, and decorating it. The forest literally breathes and lives due to the animations. Each moving part is made with quality and soul. In the dynamics during the spins, all the characters appear out of the well, and then, at the end of the round, disappear under the control panel.

The course of figures smoothly, and corresponds to the general atmosphere. Sounds fill perfectly fits into this synthesis of graphics and animation, adding more fairy tale character. As a background, the developers decided to use two sound files at once. First one is live and naturalistic sounds of the forest. Birdsong, wind noise, etc. The second is a beautiful musical melody, performed on the metallophone. The sound of this instrument perfectly conveys the association with the fairy tale, and its gentle melody perfectly suits the video slot.

Well of Wonders symbols

A fairy-tale atmosphere, bright colors, and enchanting music. All this is just a shell, but what can “the well of wonders” from Thunderkick offer the user as a stuffing? Now we’ll dig into it and find you all the bonus features and the most expensive characters that can offer a video slot.


The basic group includes nine items. They are – fancy stones of different shapes and colors, different patterns of relief and value. The differences are quite numerous, so it is almost impossible to confuse elements with each other. The most lucrative is a chain consisting of seven round, red stones. This prize chain will multiply your bet by 50 times.

Wild Symbol

The purple stone with a large W in the center is the Wild symbol. He can replace any pebble, in the case of potential participation in the combination. In other words, it will help build or prolong the prize chain.

Prize features

In addition to Wild, get a big win will help a few prize features, which is equipped with this machine.


This feature is activated if there are in the field at least one winning chain. In this case, the whole prize chain disappears, freeing up their cells. All other elements remain in their places and there is an additional rotation, as a result of which the empty cells are filled with new symbols. If this results in another chain of prizes, there is another spin. The function lasts as long as there are prize chains as a result of the re-spins.


This feature is very closely related to the previous one. Multiplier is a multi-stage multiplier with different rates that can increase your winnings per spin by several times. Well Of Wonders has 6 steps multiplier with odds x1, x2, x4, x8, x16 and x32. The transition from one step to the other occurs simultaneously with the Respin function. In case the Multiplier has reached the highest value (x32) and Respin is still in progress, all further prizes are paid by the coefficient of x32. As soon as the combinations stop falling out, the Respin function ends, and together with it the multiplier goes to the initial indicator (x1).

Fairy Feature

This feature can really be called a fairy feature. If there is no combination, a good fairy will come, shuffle all the symbols and fix the situation with her magic wand.

This feature is triggered at random, that is, it may appear on any rotation (if it will be without a winning chain). Its activation is accompanied by the appearance of a good sorceress on the field. With a wave of her magic wand, she frees the field from the single elements (except Wild) and starts Respin and Multiplier. Thus, the fairy helps to collect more combinations. Her action is limited to one round; however, it is quite enough to get a solid win.


Well Of Wonders is a fairly rare product on the online gambling market. The non-standard structure of the field, the lack of paylines – these factors strongly distinguish it among the classic video slots. Another thing – your taste. Some people like kind fairy tales and magic, and someone likes the theme of space or aliens. Some people like classic machines c a lot of paylines and 5-reels, and there will be lovers of these, more simple machines. Whether this slot is your favorite game we do not know, but try it out, at least in free mode, definitely worth it.

Gonzo's Quest The Search for Eldorado

Gonzo’s Quest slot: The Search for the Eldorado review

Gonzo’s Quest is considered one of the most popular video slots from NetEnt, along with c Starburst, Dead or Alive, Victorious, Koi Princess and Space Wars.

The road conqueror will not be easy, but to overcome the obstacles on the way he will not himself, and with your help. User has to use wit and go to risk, together with the Spanish gentlemen to achieve the cherished goal. Helping Gonzo solve the mysteries of the Mayan tribes, your c every rotation of the reels will be closer to the countless treasures of Eldorado.

Colorful graphics and animation make the process exciting and realistic. The design of the space reflects the adventure story and adds to the excitement. Anticipation of big bitcoin winnings brings a soundtrack that pushes to go on feats to achieve the goal.

Gonzo’s Quest main features

Gonzo’s Quest slot machine developer has implemented a standard set of technical parameters: five reels divided by three rows of characters. There are twenty fixed lines for payments the player cannot change their number. However, there is a specific feature: stone slabs as if “falling” from the sky, replacing the new ones.

In addition, there are five levels of betting. Like other products of the Swedish manufacturer, the slot machine Gonzo’s Quest allows participants to set the rate for each spin at their discretion. According to their budget, the player can put from one cent to 5 dollars/euros on each of the 20 lines. Thus, the maximum bet per round can be up to 100 units of money, with a minimum bet of 20 cents.

Payouts bring successive combinations on the line from left to right, consisting of the same symbols. If two combinations appear on the same line at the same time, the more valuable combination is paid. Prizes for combinations in different directions are summed up.

The theoretical return rate (RTP) is set at 96%.

Interface and control panel

Gorgeous 3D graphics and sound deserve the highest rating. The beginning of the journey will be a view of the welcome video c with the main character. The player will learn a short story of a conquistador intent on finding Eldorado at any cost. He does not want to make a great geographical discovery, and wants to get hold of the treasures of the ancient Mayan tribes.

The field is a block of colored stone slabs, with carved on them images of the gods of the Maya tribes, which fall from somewhere above. As you can guess, these plates are the symbols. At the same time, this stone wall of blocks serves as a gateway to the mythical land of Eldorado. Each time the field disappears, or explode symbols, you can see the incredibly beautiful palace in the form of a pyramid made of pure gold. On the sides of the playing area depicted a high stone fence, which in addition to the idols carved also human skulls, a clear warning to anyone who wants to trespass on the wealth of the tribe. But our Gonzo is no shyster, and he’s ready to pull off this dangerous venture on his own.

Gonzo’s Quest mobile version

According to recent trends in the development of online casinos, it is not enough to release the machine in the desktop version. Now more and more gamblers prefer to play their favorite video slots on their mobile devices, so manufacturers are working on the development of mobile versions as much as full-fledged versions for computers and laptops. As for the company NetEnt, now all the new slots can be easily run-on smartphones and tablets thanks to the platform NetEnt Touch. Developers are also regularly moving old slots on the new HTML5 platform, which makes the game 100% compatible c any touchscreen and monitors. In the first place, the most popular entertainment, so the slot machine Gonzo’s Quest: The Search for Eldorado is available to play on cell phones / tablets for real money, and free.

Gonzo’s Quest symbols

Since the action unfolds in the gaming machine on the lands of the Indians, graphic designers from NetEnt decided to design a collection of characters in the appropriate style – they are presented in the form of square plates c cut out images of Mayan idols. All symbols c idols presented in different colors: gray, green, pink, orange, lilac, blue and gold. Each of them, appearing on the field three times, will provide the player a reward 3-2500 bets. The most valuable item is a slab of blue. For a combination of five of these images in the direction of the active line the participant receives 2500 bets.

In addition to the basic names there are symbols of special type:

Wild symbol

Wild is the “wild symbol”, depicted as a question mark. It helps the participant to complete potentially winning combinations by replacing the missing names of the main type. His appearance is worth waiting only in the cells of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th reels. The formation of the prize chain is accompanied by an explosion of the question mark, bringing the user the well-deserved payment.

Free Falls symbol

Free falls – symbols of the special category, acting as activators of the bonus round. Fall out only on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd reels.


Slot machine is the first exciting story, multiplied by an array of original prize features. The bitcoin slot is also notable for its excellent workmanship and intriguing visuals. Elements of 3D graphics, unusual sound design and the original fallout characters make the process interesting and entertaining.

Hurry up to get your share of Eldorado’s treasure in Gonzo’s Quest, do it with real money.

the algorithm RNG slot

Seven myths about slot machines

Among gambling personalities do not cease to argue about the principles of the functioning of slots. Regularly appear “original” methods that allow to beat institutions and quickly withdraw money from the casino. After a while there are born theories about the fact that the field of slot machines – solid fraud.

The algorithm of the slot is calculated

Among fans of the game at bitcoin casinos, the number one misconception. Machine algorithms are a favorite topic of conversation among hunters for jackpots. They believe that you can learn a certain secret slot machine, to calculate the date and time when the chances of a big win noticeably increase.

Surprising the frequency with which programs for rapid enrichment in casinos appear on the network. Their authors convince you that they know the zen of algorithms in the slots, and are ready to make others happy with their knowledge.

Licensed machines on legal sites produce combinations defined by built-in random number generator. Any developer prepares its own program code RNG, its permanent refinement and improvement.

In the video slots operate different programs, producing numerical sequences. Also, the regulator, the licensing studio, checks the adequacy of the RNG c using multiple evaluation parameters. Only after the game has been successfully tested, it can be purchased by a licensed online club.

The casinos developing business on the Internet are also controlled by the regulator. If the facts of substitution of legal software with scripts are uncovered, there will be attempts of illegal access to the parameters of RNG, the license will be immediately revoked. All fans of gambling should always learn that the slots used algorithms that ensure falling out at 100% random combinations, if we are talking about verified online casinos. No “expert” can predict the next number.

The result depends mainly on the theoretical payout percentage

Of course, this figure affects the result of the draws, if we talk about the long term. For example, having made 1000 bets or more, it is possible to achieve the return percentage specified by the software developer. The more often you spin the drum, the closer the user will get to the benchmark value.

Do not think that the payout percentage, which is set at 98%, will allow you to get €98 if a person makes 100 bets. Such accuracy is achieved only on a very long distance.

On one day the machine can be a joy to win, but on other dates would only eat up the players’ savings. The indicator is called theoretical, because it only shows the hypothetical course of events over a long distance. If guided by it at a short distance, it is easy to get into big financial trouble.

The casino controls the operation of the slot machines

If the institution operates legally, has a license, its owners and rank-and-file employees have blocked access to the parameters of the random number generator and source games. Compliance with the rules is strictly controlled by the regulator. If a violation is detected, the online casino loses its legal status. The same is true for land-based clubs.

The myth about the influence of the administration of the resource, of course, did not appear out of nowhere. The reason is the activities of fraudulent sites with modified copies of legal slots. Sites operating outside of the legal field, may use rigged RNG, games with modified source code.

The latter can lure users with easy wins. However, luck is quickly running out, and the player returns to the real world with empty pockets and a purse. To avoid this happening, you should play only in safe online casinos.

Parameters of slot machines in the demo version and paid mode set different

In the licensed institutions slot demo and full version is set identically, there are no differences in the technical parameters.

The myth was rooted because of the scammers who created sites with illegal copies of virtual machines. Criminals were changing the code of the games to make the free mode more attractive to the user. The calculation was made on the fact that a person will get psyched, register on the site and start making real money bets.

After switching to the paid mode to play casino games in bitcoin or other currencies on illegal sites, the situation quickly changes. Luck ends and a dismal black streak of losses begins. The conclusion of the situation can be made simple. Learn the principles of the slot machine through a free version is allowed only if a person is dealing with a licensed institution and software.

If the slot for a long time did not issue a large winnings will soon be jackpot

Another myth that can trap a player. How does it work? The user continuously bets on a certain slot, anticipating the jackpot. He armed himself with the theory of probability, analyzed the operation of the machine, but success does not come. The man continues to play, spending his savings. More often than not, the end of the story is the complete bankruptcy of the player who believed in the coming success.

Betting strategy increases the chances of a big win

Anyone who has carefully studied the analysis of the first myth, can easily cope with this misconception. Algorithms RNG cannot be calculated by users. Because of this, no predictions do not reflect the real picture. Making strategies in this situation is an empty fun. You can make a clever betting plan for 100 or 200 steps ahead. It may even work once and bring profit on a short distance.

But luck is a random factor here. Once lucky, and in the other case there will be a deep deficit. And all this when using a single strategy

Thousands of players who have tried to make a betting plan are convinced of the reality of the situation. Almost all of them give up afterwards.

Strategies can be used, but not for making money. They are needed to effectively manage bankroll, control the bank, avoid ruin. During the game on video slots is better not to think about money. This approach will help enjoy the adrenaline rush, get pleasure from the process.

On the operation of the slot machines affects the size of the bet

The size of the bet in an honest online casino does not affect the operation of the slot. But there is a correlation between how much money the player uses per spin of the reel, and the theoretical percentage return. This information is official, it is freely available on the Internet.

Machines with small bets usually give winnings not so readily. Jackpot size they also have a small. Virtual heirs of one-armed bandits c large bets and have a higher percentage of payoff. Some machines offer users to fight for different types of jackpots, taking into account the amounts to which the game will be conducted.


Stories about what hackers can break the algorithm RNG slot experienced players can develop a strategy, spawned only the desire of people to believe in miracles and find patterns. The latter statement may seem paradoxical, but that is the reality.

The misconception about the machines, the work of which is regulated by casino administrators, is generated by the activity of cheaters. In the licensed institutions this is impossible to imagine. Here the result depends solely on chance and always remains unpredictable.

Asgardian Stones 

Asgardian Stones slot review by NetEnt

Company NetEnt on February 19, 2018 introduced a bitcoin slot called Asgardian Stones. You will find yourself in a celestial city inhabited by Scandinavian gods and try to solve their great mystery. Go through this quest you can, deciphering their secret messages on the stones. This is not the first game from NetEnt on the theme of ancient mythology.

Asgardian Stones Main Features

The peripatetic on the screen will be a consequence of the action taking place within the field. It consists of 5 reels and 3 rows with 20 paylines. You’ll find features like Bonus Wheel, Free Spins, Colossal symbols and Wild substitutes, as well as the Avalanche feature. With the help of the parameters “level” and “up to coins” in the toolbar, there is an option to choose the bet amount for each spin, ranging from 0.20 to 200 units of account currency.

Winning combinations, except situations in the Bonus Wheel, are determined according to the payout table. A winning chain is a sequence of three or more identical elements going from the leftmost reel to the rightmost reel. Only the highest combination is paid within one betting line. Parallel winnings by lines are summed up.

The payout for one played spin reaches 200,000 coins. As for the RTP in Asgardian Stones, it is 96.31%.

Asgardian Stones Set of symbols

We’ve already mentioned above that the name of the slot translates as “Stones of Asgard”, and it’s logical to assume that it’s the stones that will play a decisive role. It is from the stones in the form of symbols are determined combinations. Provided for a total of 10: 8 basic and 2 special.


This group is represented by five symbols with the image of gods and three card values. Each stone with the gods has a different color: yellow, green, blue, purple and gray. The highest paying element is a portrait of the main god of Scandinavian mythology – Odin, the mask of which has a yellow color. Five of these images on the betting line will bring 500 coins. Three card symbols from queen to Ace have identical scores in the payout table: for a chain of them you get 2, 5 or 30 coins.

In addition to these, there are Colossal symbols. They are much bigger than the regular ones, and can take from 4 to 6 positions on the reels. They appear in blocks of 2×2 (4 cells) or 2×3 (6 cells), and may appear on the field in whole or in part depending on when you stop the reel. Colossal appears periodically during the Avalanche function.


Like almost any modern slot, Asgardian Stones has special characters. As a rule, they are the most interesting.

Wild symbol

Symbol represented in the form of a bull W enclosed in a cube of clear ice performs the functions of the Wild. As in most other slots, Wild replaces the other elements (except the bonus element) to make the most profitable combinations. Bo while Free Spins the wild appears as a block of Colossal Wild.

Bonus Wheel symbol

Perhaps this is the most interesting and most desirable symbol. It takes up nine cells at once and is a 3×3 block that appears only on the last three reels. Just like Colossal, it can fall out either completely or partially. During the Bonus Wheel cash winnings and/or free spins are played. The Wheel of Fortune stops when all Avalanches are completed and the prize is counted.

Prize Features

What makes the game in the machines so diverse and exciting? Of course, it’s bonus features! Developers NetEnt are not stingy and here, moreover, made them very original.


The first feature worth noting is a feature called Avalanche, which is found in other slots from NetEnt, such as the acclaimed Gonzo’s Quest, Elements: The Awakening and Finn and the Swirly Spin. Its essence is that the symbols fall into the cells on the reels, instead of scrolling, and when the field is a combination is activated Avalanche. Somewhat reminiscent of the familiar free spins. The elements that took part in the prize chain explode and disappear, leaving room for the symbols on top.

Accordingly, new elements appear on the reels, and their number will always be equal to the “exploded”. This series will continue until there is no prize combination on the reels. The Avalanche winnings are summed up with the prizes on any bet line.

Colossal Crush

Colossal can randomly crush the symbols on the cells below them during the round. This prize feature is activated after the start of Avalanche both within the main game and during Free Spins. If an empty cell appears under the Colossal as a result of a winning situation, it will fall down, destroying all elements in the row below it. Falling down will continue until there are no empty positions below it, or until it falls to the bottom row.

Each time the Colossal falls lower, the player is awarded an additional multiplier (to the left of the reels). Going one row lower corresponds to adding a multiplier by one, so the maximum multiplier is 4.

Bonus Wheel

This prize feature is triggered when the Bonus Wheel appears on the field. The Wheel of Fortune can be displayed in whole or in part. Once it has been hit, the wheel starts spinning and stops after all Avalanche and coin counting. As a result of the rotation the player has the opportunity to win a cash prize or Free Spins. The number of sections on the reel depends on how many cells are displayed: 3 cells – 1 section, 6 cells – 2 sections, 9 cells – 3 sections. Cash winnings are 1, 2 or 5 times the size of the total bet. The maximum multiplier at the end of the rotation of the wheel is 36. The multiplier of Colossal Crush feature is also applied to the prizes within Bonus Wheel.

Free Spins

As we mentioned above, the Free Spins round is won with the Bonus Wheel mini game. The Wheel of Fortune has three sectors one after the other, each giving 5 free spins. So you can get 5, 10 or 15 free spins in the round.

Free Spins are played at the same level and with the same coin value, as the round, which activated the Wheel of Fortune. During the round with free spins, the wild can be Colossal Wild (take several positions at once). If Colossal Wild is involved in a prize combination, it divides by 1×1, that is, each cell has a separate Wild. Te wild symbols, which have become part of the chain, explode and disappear, and the rest remain in their positions.

The Wheel of Fortune is activated no more than 3 times during Free Spins, and within one round no more than 25 additional spins are given. Prizes during Free Spins are added to all the prizes won before.

Asgardian Stones Conclusion

Asgardian Stones – a fascinating game in a fantasy genre from the Swedish company Net Entertainment, it will take you to the mysterious atmosphere of the city of northern gods – Asgard. Here you will learn a lot about Norse mythology, and be able to appreciate the innovative possibilities in software development. A fascinating story line and realistic graphics will be appreciated not only by fans of ancient Norse mythology, but also those who have never been interested in the subject. It is impossible not to mention the abundance of prize features in the slot, and not only their quantity but also the quality. Prize features will appear with enviable regularity, and may well bring you a very solid winnings.

Buffalo King Megaways

The Mysterious Buffalo King Megaways Slot Machine

Buffalo King Megaways is bitcoin casino slot machine from Pragmatic Play which has an eight reels and six paylines. This version in the number of lines is due to the unique feature of the Megaways machine which allows a random set of reels per play, which means that the number of lines per spin also causes the maximum number of paylines to change with every spin, this is a common characteristic of the slot machines that make them unique and offer a great casino experience. The machine also offers a maximum of three coins on a single reel, but you can use more than one if you wish and for a maximum of ten coins on any single reel. These characteristics are seen on many other online casino slots including those on Cardplayer.

Buffalo King Megaways jackpot

One thing that is different about the buffalo king megaways slot machine is the payline that appears at the bottom of the screen. The symbol on the right hand side is not a traditional icon like the icons used on other machines, but there is actually another symbol which appears briefly and is located next to the star symbol. The symbol in this case is interpreted as “jackpot” and it is a reference to how big the jackpot is when the game has finished.

This is an example of the technology used in this particular slot machine. Some of the symbols that appear in the payline have a definite meaning, but others do not, which means that certain symbols can have different meanings depending upon the game you are playing. It will be necessary to know what these symbols are in order to gain an advantage over your casino competition.

Buffalo King Megaways bonus features

One of the most unique features of the buffalo king megaways slot machine is the amount of bonus features that are available upon spins. The more bonus features a machine has, the higher the payout that is possible. In order for this to be possible, a casino would need to place a lot of money into the machine. In some cases, they may want to avoid placing that much money into the machine because they are worried that it might get them into trouble. There have been a couple of cases where gamblers have been penalized for using these bonus features.

Although the wilds of the American prairie were once a place where people would hunt for food, this is no longer the case. Instead, there are many companies that lease land in the area. These companies own the land, and they are interested in protecting their investment. Therefore, they often seek to prevent slot players from accessing these highly lucrative bonus features on their machines. In addition to this protection, they also often seek to stop slot players from accessing certain bonus features which are located within the wilds of the American prairie.

The Wild slots

This protection tactic is an effective one, but not one that is found in every single Buffalo King Megaways slot machine. In fact, since the inception of this slot game, they have attempted to make the Wild slots even more difficult to play. Their aim was to prevent any user from achieving a guaranteed payout. In the case of the buffalo king Megaways slot game, this meant that a player needed to win a jackpot before they would see their winnings. Today, even this protection is no longer effective because the random number generator that is used for the wild slots helps to ensure that each and every slot game that are played on the machines will have a winning rate of over 95%.

Free spins

One of the most annoying features of the buffalo king getaway slot machines is the free spin offers. These free spins are designed to lure you into playing more than you wanted to. Often times, the user will be encouraged to play more than they intended just so that they can claim the free spins, get the bonus, and walk away with a nice amount of free money. The best way to avoid these free-spinning offers is to know how much money you have to play with before the free spin appears. You can do this by looking at the value of your bankroll and seeing how much free money you can reasonably expect to walk away with after spinning the machine.

Buffalo King Megaways symbols

Another annoying feature of the king megaways slot machines is the symbols displayed on the reels. These symbols often times flash quickly and are difficult to see. It is often difficult for a user to determine which symbol it is that is being played for each specific spin. This causes many individuals to lose a lot of money because they don’t know what is coming next.

To help improve this part of the slot machine experience, manufacturers have placed numbers on the symbols that represent the exact value that you stand to receive after spinning the reel. This helps you eliminate the confusion associated with trying to determine which symbol is next.

In addition to seeing symbols on the reels that change values, you will also find some symbols that simply move around. You will occasionally see a set of two symbols on a reel, and this does not always mean that you are going to receive two free spins. Sometimes the symbols will change, but no actual payout will occur.

The Buffalo King Megaways machine is known for the randomness that it possesses. When you place your bet, make sure you look over all of the symbols on the reels so you can choose the right one and maximize your chances of winning big money off of the Buffalo King Megaways slot machine.

best vegas slot

Best Vegas Slots Review

There are some people in this world who are absolutely addicted to playing the best Vegas Slots. They cannot get enough of it. If they want to win a jackpot, they will do whatever it takes no matter how much it costs them to do so. Of course, there is other Vegas Slot Players who is never able to cash in on their winning streak. That’s because they have an irrational fear of losing more money than they win.

It seems like everybody has an irrational fear of the casino floor at the best Vegas slots. Most people who do gamble at the bitcoin casinos are used to the speed and the lack of lines. It’s just something about playing at the casino that gets to them. The thought of walking around the aisles of the gaming machines at the world’s greatest hotels can be horrifying to some.

The best Vegas Slots

The best Vegas Slots is the ones you don’t have to sign up for or even leave your hotel room to enjoy. In fact, when you’re done with the free online slots you can play right out in the gaming floor where all the action is. You can sit down, relax, and enjoy the game without having to worry about lines or being rushed. When you’re done playing, you simply walk back to your room. That’s why the free slots are the best Vegas slots.

The best Vegas Slots offer

Many of the best casinos in the world offer the best Vegas Slots too. However, some of the larger land-based casinos are probably better than Vegas slots on a number of different levels. With land-based casinos you have to actually go inside of the casino to enjoy your gaming experience. Not only that, but you also have to deal with the annoying waitresses who keep stopping by and asking if you need something.

The key

When it comes to free Vegas slots there are no waitresses or lines. No one even cares if you miss your first bet because all you have to do is walk out of the casino. Also, with the best casinos you do have to purchase a key to get into the gaming floor. This way if you forget your key, you still have a chance to play. Overall the free slots are not nearly as fun as the live gambling casinos.

Loose Slots

If you want to find some good casino Vegas slots you should definitely check out Loose Slots. This site offers free casino slots, which make them the best Vegas Slots. Since they are free and there are no lines or Waitresses, this makes Loose Slots a great place to play free bitcoin slots-a-fun slots included.

If you aren’t convinced that free Vegas slots are worth trying, then perhaps you should look into some of the new games on the market. These new games are very popular with the gaming public and they are also a great way to win money from an online casino. You could try your luck at a new slot machine game every month, if you wanted to. The chances of winning in these new games are pretty good since there are new slots added almost every day.

In conclusion

There are a number of reasons why online casino gaming is better than playing the old standbys in Las Vegas. Most importantly there are no long lines, waitresses, or lines for drinks. Another advantage of these best casinos is that you can play free slot machines all day without spending any money at all. So the next time you wanted to play some slot machines in a beautiful city, go ahead and give it a try.

bitcoin online gambling

Trends in online gambling and video games

In this article we will tell you about the latest trends in online gambling and video games. In general, trends in the development of video games turn out to be similar to those in the development of bitcoin gambling.

This article is based on global statistics, which can try to predict the further development of the entertainment industry.

The emergence of free games

Developers have long realized that if a person likes a free game, it is likely he will agree to pay for it in the future. Some games are available for free for a certain period of time, and in some for the money you can unlock certain features. This is a big plus for gamers, because now you can play any game you like without risking your finances. Absolutely all of the reliable online casinos offer their players an opportunity to play any game with virtual chips, i.e. for free.

Revenues in the field of gambling are greater than in the movie industry.

In 2014, movie box office revenue in the United States was $10 billion, which is 2.5 times less than gaming revenue, which exceeded $24 billion. It should be noted that the gambling industry is already recognized as a major competitor to the movie world.

Gaming is getting more mobile

According to 2014 data, every American has at least one cell phone. If we consider that many smartphones are now comparable in power to computers, it is understandable why in 2014 more than 48,000,000 people wished to play on their mobile devices. Similar trends are occurring in online gambling, sports betting and online poker.

The number of female gamers is growing

That’s right, 47% of U.S. gamers are women. Compared to 2012 their number has increased by 5%. Even more interesting is the fact that almost one third of all gamers are over 50 years old. The statistics shows that 29% of the players are at least over 60 years old. The same situation can be observed in the sphere of online casino; more and more women and elderly people, finding out about the existence of online casino, begin to play at bitcoin casinos.

Gambling families are a normal phenomenon.

Given the fact that video games have been around for a little over 20 years, the “Dandy” generation is grown up and has children of its own, together with whom, however, they continue to play. Statistics show that more than 30 percent of Americans play video games with their kids at least once a week. 16 percent of all children prefer to play with their parents, 40 percent play exclusively with friends, 17 percent play with their significant other, and 34 percent spend time playing video games with the rest of the family.

The increase in the number of users of the Internet and casinos, respectively

At the moment there are about 7 billion people living on our planet, 2.5 of which use the World Wide Web. For comparison, about 6.5 billion people use cell phones. Due to the lack of quality broadband, the most backward regions in terms of the Internet are Africa, the Middle East, Central America and South Asia. But a lot of efforts are being made to fix the problem. And that just means that the number of new gamers and gamblers will increase from year to year.

Below we will give you the statistics on gambling in a number of countries:

  • About 58% of U.S. residents play video games
  • The average age of video game enthusiasts is 30 years old
  • 51% of households own at least one video game console
  • 77% of all gamers spend at least an hour a week playing games
  • China and Japan lead in mobile gambling, with Russia in sixth place.
  • The average age of UK gamers is 35. More than half of them are men, who spend about three hours a day playing games.
  • 91% of the population has a telephone, and 56% of them have a smartphone, and 80% of mobile device time is spent on games and applications (including online slots).
Video Poker Games 2021

All About Video Poker Games

Video Poker Games has come a long way since their humble start from the land of solitaire in the 1970’s. In fact, Video Poker Games has come so far that most players enjoy playing these bitcoin games online now. They are not just a pastime anymore.

Basic Video Poker Games

“Video Poker” has been getting more popular among a range of people who enjoy the excitement of video poker. Better or jacks can be regarded as the first real video poker game. It is based on a simple five-card draw, but as far as the variations go, it can be considered a solitaire variant on top of its five-card brother. Here are the essentials of Jacks or Better (V poker):

“Jacks” is one of the most basic Video Poker Games. It is basically a game of chance and is typically played with two people. When you are ready to start a Jacks session, the first thing you will need to do is select the two persons you wish to play. The next step is to click on the game option in the main menu and this will bring you to the game screen.

You have two hands at your disposal in this game, namely, the “card” and “board”. The “card” is what you will use in betting. You can either bet your starting hand or your full-betting bankroll. The “board” is a virtual playing area that appears on the video screen. On the board, there are two buttons and a red plus sign to guide you. The button on the left hand side is the one you will use to make a bet, while the one on the right is the one you will use to collect your winnings.

There are a few video poker games that feature the “payout” feature where after you have won you will have to pay out a prize. Usually, this is a percentage of your winnings. The “re-buy” feature is also present in some of these games. In this mode, you can re-buy a lost card or bet before your timer is expired.

Types of Video Poker Games

Apart from the video poker games mentioned above, there are many more that you can play. Some of these include but are not limited to, Stud Poker, Caribbean Stud Poker, Flash Poker, Caribbean Stud Poker, and No Limit Texas Hold ’em. You can even play classic video poker games such as Badugi, Jokers Wild, and Video Poker. However, you need to make sure that you are downloading these games from trusted websites.

Free versions

Bitcoin casino sites offer these games for free. You can download the free versions and play for fun. However, you need to make sure that you know your limits and betting strategy in these free versions of the poker games. Most of these poker sites provide tips and advice, and often a chat room that allows you to ask for help or ask other players for tips and strategies. If you are interested in playing for money, then these poker games would require you to sign up as a game participant and enter your wager.

As you may have noticed, there are a lot of video poker games available on the Internet. While some of them have a few rules, most of them are played in the same way as the real poker game. With the current technology, people who love to play video poker can now do so from the comfort of their homes. You need to make sure that you take enough time to decide on which game you would like to participate in and find a website that allows you to play the game for fun and to improve your skills as well.


Coinbet24 bitcoin Casino

The Coinbet24 bitcoin casino site itself is relatively simple – calm colors, no intrusive ads, all elements are located at the edges. At the same time, it remains the feeling of being in a real gambling establishment. The administration of the resource offers a variety of games that will definitely satisfy the needs of not only beginners, but also professionals. There is 24/7 customer support, which resolves all issues in just a couple of minutes. For the convenience of players, a free mode is provided, in which the internal currency is used. It is suitable for studying games in order to understand their functionality, before investing real money.

Coinbet24 Registration

The administration has specially thought about this issue in order to facilitate the task for all categories of users. The easiest way is to use social media. In this case, you just need to choose a social network from the presented ones, so that the system automatically takes all the necessary information from there. Now you can use the following options:

  • Facebook
  • e-mail

The second way to register at Coinbet24 bitcoin Casino involves filling in several fields:

  • login
  • password
  • telephone number
  • e-mail

Then, if you plan to play for real money, you need to supplement the information in your personal account. The whole process takes not more than 1 minute, and then you can immediately make the first deposit and start gambling.

Range of bitcoin slots & table games

The administration of the resource is trying to make the pastime of its clients as pleasant as possible.

Especially so that everyone can find something interesting for themselves, Coinbet24 bitcoin casino offers a large number of bitcoin slots. Their total number exceeds 700 pieces, and for convenience they are divided into categories:

  • bitcoin slots
  • black Jack
  • roulette
  • LIVE
  • poker
  • video poker
  • special

All games are presented in several variations, including classic and exotic – for every taste. They differ from each other not only in appearance, but also in the nuances of the rules. You can find out about them directly in the game window, in the “Rules” section. In addition, the size of the minimum bet changes, and accordingly, the maximum possible winnings. The client can choose to play for real money or use the local currency.

There is also a LIVE section, which is represented by only 2 types of roulette – American and European. In this case, the user sees not just a picture, but watches the broadcast from a real gambling establishment. A professional dealer launches a ball, comments on what is happening online, and all this just in order to create an atmosphere as close to real as possible.

How to fund an account at bitcoin casino?

People come here not only to enjoy slot machines and card games, but also in the hope of getting a decent win. To play for money, they must first be deposited into a personal account at Coinbet24 bitcoin Casino. There are more than 18 ways to do this with help from e-wallets.

The size of the minimum replenishment directly depends on the chosen payment system – from 0,000028 BTC to 0,00014 BTC. The platform does not take any commission for itself, and the full amount goes to the client’s account.

How to withdraw money from bitcoin casino?

The resource administration is trying to make sure that customers are satisfied with everything. This also applies to withdrawing money from Coinbet24 bitcoin casino. To do this, you need to leave a request in the “Cashier” section on the main page of the site. The user can choose from 12 withdrawal methods at once, for example:

  • bank cards
  • electronic wallets
  • cryptocurrencies

If the application is submitted for the first time, the finance department may request documentary proof of identity. This is a mandatory measure that allows you to 100% guarantee that no one will be able to access other people’s financial resources. Verification takes from 1 to 24 hours, depending on the workload of employees. In the future, it is not carried out, and the process of withdrawing money occurs in a fully automatic mode. This reduces the time to minutes. The minimum amount at which it is allowed to leave an application is 0,00014 BTC, and no commission is charged.

Coinbet24 bitcoin Casino Bonuses

Any client of the platform can count on pleasant gifts. Coinbet24 bitcoin Casino is generous enough to start giving out bonuses from the very first second. Only bet365 casino can match their offer. After registration is completed, 0,00028 BTC in the form of points is credited to the account. To withdraw them, you need to wager on the x100 wager. Additional points are also awarded for simple email confirmation.

With the first replenishment, customers are given the opportunity to receive up to 0,096 BTC. To do this, you just need to enter a certain amount of money. At the same time, your own finances can be insured, which will allow you to return 15% in case of loss. Moreover, replenishing the account within a month for more than 0,00083 BTC, in the next period the client also receives bonuses in the form of 5-25% to the account with each deposit of funds. If a user enters more than 0,14 BTC per week, then he is awarded the VIP status. This automatically activates various benefits:

On an ongoing basis operates the Bonus Plus promotion. In this case, from each bet over 0,000028 BTC, a certain percentage goes to a separate savings account. This is real money that can be immediately withdrawn by a convenient method, without any wagering and the like.

Periodically, it is proposed to become a participant in promotions, where you can receive gifts for simple actions. For example, a percentage of each deposit, free spins and the like. For many, there will be interesting tournaments in which you can just play and win bitcoins.